Nighttime Soberanes Wildfire
Black Butte Pano photo
to find your own adventure
Printed map screenshot
the print/PDF/Garmin maps ...
Metrics calculation screenshot Route metrics control
the route planning tools ...
Trail Conditions screenshot Trail Conditions legend
the trail conditions map ...
Interactive map screnshot Interactive map control
USE the interactive map ...

with Camps, Water Sources, and Points of Interest
for Ventana/SilverPeak wilderness explorers

Get up-to-date local trail knowledge!  Trail and camp info can be incorrect on online maps of the Big Sur Ventana & Silver Peak wilderness areas.    Big Sur Trailmap provides accurate trail and camp locations based on local knowledge (GPS'd), also locally-known "use trails", seasonal water sources, waterfalls, and other features in Big Sur state parks and wilderness areas.  Plus current wilderness and state park trail conditions and closures.  Created by a Big Sur explorer, updated from local reports.  Helping coast+inland hikers since 2010. 

Been here ?
(click for larger images)
      "Experience nature in the wild"         "The wild is still there, just off a trail"            "Find your own adventure"        

Wilderness hikers
"A line on a map is just a line on a map"

Big Sur wilderness trails are not park‑like trails !
Some trail segments not signed or passable or followable ! 
Know the current trail conditions ! 

Trail maintenance in National Forest is by VWA trail crew, not USFS !
Last VWA volunteer trailcrew outing:  Feb 8  (6 attended)  
"State-of-the-Trails" = 70%    "Clear" = 89 miles (28% of network)    History

The trails need YOU
Smokey Bear
Help maintain the trails

USFS closures in effect
Extended Extended Extended National Forest Closure Order
now ends July 18,2025
(began Jan. 2023)
Most USFS trails open.
Most USFS roads
closed to vehicles.
Flash flood and debris flow warning for 2020/21 burn areas effective Saturday   More info
Sunday Route 1 closure
Apr. 30 4am-1pm
south of Carmel for Big Sur Marathon
Close Rte.1 Big Sur closure in effect  
 (map  details)  (IS shown on trailmap)
Campfirestove No fire restrictions:
Campfires & stoves allowed in National Forest  
River heights high, crossings can be difficult/hazardous

Regional Weather Forecast
   Point Weather Forecast   
Big Sur River Current Flow 

Trails & Roads
USFS & State Parks

22 reports in last 60 days
Latest below, click for all
Feb.9   Rattlesnake Creek Trail

14 items in last 60 days
filled by index.html js
Feb.11  Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park closure Feb11-14
campground and day use area closed due to maintenance repair
Feb.8    Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 6 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Feb.4    USFS fire restrictions lifted
campfires & stoves allowed in Monterey District
Jan.31  (Old) Coast Road closed
Jan.23  Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 3 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.17  Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 5 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.9    Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
: 7 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Jan.9    (Old) Coast Road open
Jan.5    Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
: 3 VWA volunteers 2 days
Jan.4    Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
: 1 VWA volunteer and Scout Troop 111 worked 1 day
Jan.1    Little Sur Tr. Trailwork
: 2 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Dec.31  Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
: 2 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Jan.2    Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
: 18 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Dec.19  Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
: 4 VWA volunteers worked 3 days

3 items in last 60 days
filled by index.html js
Jan.10  Blog post of "lost trail" hike with multiple surprises
"Finding the Mount Manuel Trail - Hike 2"
Jan.8    Revise Smartphones webpage
to better display on a smartphone
Jan.4    Add Indians Ford to trailmap

Latest forum post: 
Blog comments broken - fixed

Wanted:  Gpx track of Lost Valley Trail, Upper Higgins to Pelon Camp   More Info

Search this website [Finds words in webpages]

Find a Big Sur place name Trails, camps, USGS names
Gives map & description

Download GPX files for trails,
camps, & water sources
Personal-use-only (copyright)
Not for sharing on public site
such as AllTrails or OpenStreetMap or non-private CalTopo

GoogleEarth overlays & GoogleEarth usage tips Big Sur Trailmap, USGS
topo, wilderness areas, …

Display map at known locator Lat/Lon OR UTM OR

Create an interactive map link
for your route or location

Trailmap legend [what icons & line colors show]

Trailmap contributors [have given time or information]

Trailmap user experiences
& testimonials
[culled from other websites]

USFS closures in effect
Extended Extended Extended National Forest Closure Order
now ends July 18,2025
(began Jan. 2023)
Most USFS trails open.
Most USFS roads
closed to vehicles.
Flash flood and debris flow warning for 2020/21 burn areas effective Saturday   More info
Sunday Route 1 closure
Apr. 30 4am-1pm
south of Carmel for Big Sur Marathon
Close Rte.1 Big Sur closure in effect  
 (map  details)  (IS shown on trailmap)
Campfirestove No fire restrictions:
Campfires & stoves allowed in National Forest  
River heights high, crossings can be difficult/hazardous

Regional Weather Forecast
   Point Weather Forecast   
Big Sur River Current Flow 

Trails & Roads
USFS & State Parks

22 reports in last 60 days
Latest below, click for all
Feb.9   Rattlesnake Creek Trail

14 items in last 60 days
filled by index.html js
Feb.11  Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park closure Feb11-14
campground and day use area closed due to maintenance repair
Feb.8    Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 6 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Feb.4    USFS fire restrictions lifted
campfires & stoves allowed in Monterey District
Jan.31  (Old) Coast Road closed
Jan.23  Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 3 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.17  Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
: 5 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.9    Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
: 7 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Jan.9    (Old) Coast Road open
Jan.5    Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
: 3 VWA volunteers 2 days
Jan.4    Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
: 1 VWA volunteer and Scout Troop 111 worked 1 day
Jan.1    Little Sur Tr. Trailwork
: 2 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Dec.31  Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
: 2 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Jan.2    Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
: 18 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Dec.19  Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
: 4 VWA volunteers worked 3 days

3 items in last 60 days
filled by index.html js
Jan.10  Blog post of "lost trail" hike with multiple surprises
"Finding the Mount Manuel Trail - Hike 2"
Jan.8    Revise Smartphones webpage
to better display on a smartphone
Jan.4    Add Indians Ford to trailmap

Latest forum post: 

Wanted:  Gpx track of Lost Valley Trail, Upper Higgins to Pelon Camp   More Info
Trail conditions/closures
are shown on:
Interactive Big Sur Trailmap
Interactive Trail Conditions map
Interactive Route Metrics map
Google Earth overlay
are optionally shown on:
Printed maps
PDF-format maps
are not shown on:
Garmin-format maps
Smartphone map tiles

View the interactive
Big Sur Trailmap
Interactive map
Interactive Trailmap

Cool Grin
Trails and POIs,
shaded topo gives context
[map updated: Feb 12]
View the interactive
trail conditions map
Trail Conditions
Trail Conditions Map

Cool Grin
Colors show trail
conditions and closures
[conditions updated: Feb 12 ]
Compute route metrics
between two locations 
Route Metrics
Trailmap Metrics

Cool Grin
For mileage &
cumulative gain+loss
[routing updated: Feb 12]
Download one-page
printable Trailmap sections
Printed page
Printed Trailmap

PDF with options for
background & trail condition
[maps updated: Feb 6]
Download a PDF-format
Trailmap for a smartphone
Avenza screenshot

For Avenza, can add
searchable "Features" layer
[pdf updated: Feb 12]
Use the Trailmap in a
smartphone GPS app
BackcounryNavigator GPS app screenshot

Multiple options available,
depending upon the app
Download a Garmin-format
Trailmap for a GPS
Garmin GPS
Garmin Trailmap

Routable, so along-trail
distance-to-go accessible
[files updated: Feb 12]
Download a "Google
Google Earth
GoogleEarth Trailmap

Display trailmap line/icon
overlay on 3-D terrain
[kmz updated: Feb 12]

Trail conditions/closures
are shown on:
Interactive Big Sur Trailmap
Interactive Trail Conditions map
Interactive Route Metrics map
Google Earth overlay
are optionally shown on:
Printed maps
PDF-format maps
are not shown on:
Garmin-format maps
Smartphone map tiles

Jack Glendening (credit:p.danielson)
 Jack Glendening 

Home page BLOG Bona fides
    In memoriam:  Paul Danielson

If you have something to contribute or find an error,
( problems don't get fixed if not reported ! )
please post to my forum.
Big Sur Trailmap FORUM
in a webpage "Comments" section 
email: AddressImage
Trailmap improvements help other hikers and will be credited
(and builds good trail karma)
Trailmap Contributors Contributors

I welcome feedback about the info on this website at the Big Sur Trailmap Forum, which will benefit all Big Sur hikers.  But I am not a personal trip advisor so do not provide individual trip guidance.  If the info here is not sufficient for your planning or if you want personal trip guidance, please use the VWA Discussion Forum, which is read by many Big Sur hikers.

Big Sur Trailmap and its webpages created as a public service by Jack Glendening, with all costs paid by him (no ads!).  The information is provided 'as is', without warranty of any kind - It is believed the best available but can contain errors. 

The information and data on this website are copyrighted by John W. (Jack) Glendening.  You may search, view, download and print the documents contained on this site for personal non-commercial purposes.  Public use of site data must be attributed to Jack Glendening, not be presented as being the work of someone who has copied it from this site instead of doing the actual field work themselves.  In particular, copyright information is not to be removed from data and data is not to be placed on public websites such as Open Street Map or All Trails. 

Photo credits
Photos from Jack Glendening, Paul Danielson, Maria Ferdin, Betsy MacGowan, Jim Ringland, Leor Pantilat, Hillary Trout, Paul David Tuff, Nathan Kistler, Amanda Sevall, Perry Way, Brett Pall, and anonymously from the web.  Jim Ringland's photos are under the CC‑BY‑NC‑4 license.

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