in NO BACKCOUNTRY FIRES seasonto find your own adventurethe print/PDF/Garmin maps ...the route planning tools ...the trail conditions map ...USE the interactive map ...
with Camps, Water Sources, and Points of Interest for Ventana/SilverPeak wilderness explorers
Get up-to-date local trail knowledge!
Trail and camp info can be incorrect on online maps of the Big Sur Ventana & Silver Peak wilderness areas.
Big Sur Trailmap provides accurate trail and camp locations
based on local knowledge (GPS'd), also locally-known "use
trails", seasonal water sources, waterfalls, and other features in Big Sur state parks and wilderness areas.
Plus current wilderness and state park trail conditions and closures.
Created by a Big Sur explorer, updated from local reports. Helping coast+inland hikers since 2010.
Been here ?
(click for larger images)
"Experience nature in the wild"
"The wild is still there, just off a trail"
"Find your own adventure"
Wilderness hikers
"A line on a map is just a line on a map"
Big Sur wilderness trails are not park‑like trails !
Some trail segments not signed or passable or followable !
Know the current trail conditions !
Trail maintenance in National Forest is by VWA trail crew, not USFS ! Last VWA volunteer trailcrew outing: Feb 8 (6 attended)
"State-of-the-Trails" = 70% "Clear" = 89 miles (28% of network)History
The trails need YOU
Help maintain the trails
The trails need YOU
Do your bit !
Help maintain the trails
Do your bit !
Rte.1 closed at Palo Colorado Road
Access from north by twice-daily convoy only MapMore
Gpx track of Lost Valley Trail, Upper Higgins to Pelon Camp
More Info
Trail conditions/closures
are shown on:
Interactive Big Sur Trailmap
Interactive Trail Conditions map
Interactive Route Metrics map
Google Earth overlay are optionally shown on:
Printed maps
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Garmin-format maps
Smartphone map tiles
are shown on:
Interactive Big Sur Trailmap
Interactive Trail Conditions map
Interactive Route Metrics map
Google Earth overlay are optionally shown on:
Printed maps
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Garmin-format maps
Smartphone map tiles