Thanks to those who have given their time or knowledge or data
or otherwise helped to improve Big Sur Trailmap
and provide better information to hikers
(must know real name to be recognized)
Alan Harder Brett Pall Dan Kraft (State Parks) Jennifer Gray (USFS) Bruce Glendening Alex Mitchell Tom Petrillo Larry Sokolsky Tom Russell Eric Parson Maria Ferdin (VWA) Betsy MacGowan (VWA) Tom Murphey (USFS) Lynn Olson (USFS) Joesph Elfelt C.H. "Mike" Heard (VWA) Tim Bills (Big Sur Station) Robert Parks (VWA) Jim Ringland (VWA) Paul David Tuff Jean LeBlanc (VWA) Roger Beaudoin (VWA) Jesse Cude Gene Anderson Trevor Willits Paul Danielson (VWA) Leor Pantilat (VWA) Bill Salmon Alan Robertson Brian Lucido Heidi Hopkins (VWA) Esperanza Hernandez (VWA) Robert Barringer Jan Doelman (VWA) Boon Hughey (VWA) Jeff Schaeffer All VWA Trail Report Contributors