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TRAIL news archive

Mar.8     N. Coast Ridge Tr. Trailwork
6 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Mar.8     Pfeiffer Beach Day Use Area open
per USFS alert page
Feb.27   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Feb.27   Limekiln State Park to open March 1
for day use only
Feb.21   Little Sur Tr. Trailwork
19 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Feb.20   (Old) Coast Road open
Feb.19   Pfeiffer Beach Day Use Area closed
per USFS alert page
Feb.18   Limekiln State Park closed
dues to electical problem, unknown opening date
Feb.15   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Feb.14   Pine Ridge Trail reported dangerous/impassable 1.7 miles from West end.
Check with Big Sur Station before departing.
Feb.14   Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Buzzards Roost Trail closed
Feb.11   Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park closure Feb11-14
campground and day use area closed due to maintenance repair
Feb.8     Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
6 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Feb.4     USFS fire restrictions lifted
campfires & stoves allowed in Monterey District
Jan.31   (Old) Coast Road closed
Jan.23   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.17   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
5 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.9     Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
7 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Jan.9     (Old) Coast Road open
Jan.5     Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers 2 days
Jan.4     Salmon & Spruce Crk. Tr. Trailwork
1 VWA volunteer and Scout Troop 111 worked 1 day
Jan.1     Little Sur Tr. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Jan.2     Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
18 VWA volunteers worked 1 day

Dec.31   Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Dec.19   Lost Valley Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Dec.13   (Old) Coast Road closed
Dec.12   Limekiln SP opened
Dec.6     Little Sur Tr. Trailwork
21 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Dec.6     Limekiln SP closed temporarily
due to generator failure, plan to open Dec. 11
Dec.6     (Old) Coast Road open
Nov.15   Jackson Camp Tr. Trailwork
13 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Nov.16   (Old) Coast Road closed
Nov.15   Naciminiento-Fergusson Rd open
had been closed since Dolan Fire of Aug.2020
Nov.14   Arroyo Seco Rec Area Gorge Parking now free
still fee for day use area parking
Nov.7     South Fork Tr. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Nov.4     Limekiln State Park open for day use
Limekiln and Alvin Trails open, all else remains closed More info
Oct.31   Arroyo Seco Tr. Trailwork
9 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Oct.25   Horse Pasture Tr. Trailwork
7 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Oct.11   Santa Lucia Tr. Trailwork
1 VWA volunteer worked 3 days
Sep.27   Camp Pico Blanco Trailwork
29 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Sep.19   ArroyoSeco-Indians Fireroad north end open
construction completed
Aug.31   Vicente Flat Tr. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Sep.19   ArroyoSeco-Indians Fireroad north end closed
due to construction, must use Santa Lucia Trail for gorge access
Aug.22   Vicente Flat Tr. Trailwork
7 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Aug.20   USFS Trailwork begins
wildfire burn recovery for next 4 months on Kirk Crk, Vicente Flt, Marble Pk, and Tony Trails
Aug.16   Overnight closures of Rte.1
full closure from 10pm-6am on Aug 18-22 More info
Aug.9     Vicente Flat Tr. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Aug.2     Carmel River Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers cleared 13 trees
Jul.30   Arroyo Seco Day Use Area
fully open including Gorge parking and Campground
Jul.22   Arroyo Seco Day Use Area
parking open 8AM-6PM every day but not Campground or Gorge parking
Jul.19   USFS closure extension
of south coast ridge road network to July 2025 - but Nacimiento-Fergusson Road expected to open in fall
Jul.18   Overnight closure of Rte.1
begins July 22, 9PM-6AM, not Fri or Sat nite More info
Jul.6     Camp Pico Blanco Trailwork
6 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Jun.29   No fires in backcountry"
USFS fire restrictions begin
Jun.28   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
Jun.26   Tassajara Road traffic delays
thru July 12: occasional road closures up to 20 mins, 7AM-4PM
Jun.18   Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP
Waters Trail open, after being closed for over 7 years !
Jun.13   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jun.5     Later info: JPBurnsSP
Ewoldsen Trail opens only west section, the eastern half continues its 7 year closure
Jun.4     Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP
Ewoldsen Trail open, after being closed for over 7 years !
May 30   Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 5 days
May 24   State Parks campgrounds open,
except at still-closed Limekiln State Park
May 23   Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 5 days
May 17   Carrizo Tr. Trailwork
8 VWA volunteers worked 3 days
May 16   Route 1 northern closure
moved from Palo Colorado Rd to full closure at Lime Creek, alternating one-way traffic with delays at Rocky Creek
May 9   Church Creek Tr. Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
May 9   State Parks open for day use
Molera, Pfeiffer Big Sur, JP Burns. Campgrounds remain closed.
May 5   Coast Road opened
May 2   Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
May 2   Arroyo Seco Road opened
but USFS Arroyo Seco Day Use Area remains closed
Apr.30   North Coast Ridge Rd. Trailwork
3 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Apr.30   Route 1 northern closure (Palo Colorado) AM+PM convoys now open to public
Apr.12   Pine Valley Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 2 days
Mar.31   State Park closures: Andrew Molera, Pfieffer Big Sur, Julia Pfeiffer Burns
(Limekiln SP already closed)
Mar.30   New FULL CLOSURE of Route 1 at Palo Colorado Road
both directions, Big Sur currently unreachable (NOT shown on trailmap) CalTrans Map
Mar.28   North Coast Ridge Rd. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Mar.19   Overnight camping banned on USFS San Carpoforo Beach
Mar.15   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
6 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Mar.8     Pine Valley Trailwork
4 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Mar.5     Pine Ridge Trail SAR video
Mar.3     Pine Ridge Trail SLIDE above Barlow Flat UNCROSSABLE
SAR rescues have been needed, will update when more info available. Location
Feb.29   North Coast Ridge Rd. Trailwork
2 VWA volunteers worked 1 day
Feb.23   Marble Peak Tr. Trailwork
6 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Feb.17   Pfeiffer Big Sur SP Buzzards Roost Trail opened
Feb.12   Andrew Molera SP trails west of Big Sur River open
but river crossing can be difficult/impassable
Feb.7     Andrew Molera SP trails west of Big Sur River closed
Feb.6     Pfeiffer Big Sur SP Buzzards Roost Trail closed
Jan.26   Tassajara Rd roadwork Jan.25-29
Jan.12   Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
7 VWA volunteers worked 4 days
Jan.1     Pine Ridge Tr. Trailwork
11 VWA volunteers worked 1 day

Dec.19   USFS fire restrictions lifted
campfires & stoves allowed in National Forest
Dec.15   Old Coast Road closed
Dec.12   Old Coast Road open
Dec.9     Rte.1 Pauls Slide closure est. opening Spring 2024
per latest CalTrans newsrelease
Nov.29   Old Coast Road closed
Nov.22   Old Coast Road open
Nov.14:   JP Burns State Park to close Nov.15-22
for repairs to Overlook Trail
Nov.10   Barlow seep instability bridged on Pine Ridge Trail
original route restored with crib wall at seep thanks to VWA
Nov.4     Old Coast Road closed to all traffic
foot/cycle/vehicle by MoCo due to "upcoming weather"
Oct.31   USFS Closure expanded and extended til Jan.31, 2024
contining closure of USFS roads, now adding Tassajara Road
Oct.19   Pfeiffer Big Sur & Andrew Molera SP footbridges removal on Oct. 31
Oct.18   Andrew Molera SP campground closes for season on Oct. 31
Sep.1     Old Coast Road closed south of Little Sur Trail
for re-construction of failed section, intermittent delays expected elsewhere
Aug.31   USFS Nacimiento-Fergusson Road Closure extended to Aug. 31, 2024
but "may" be opened prior to that
Aug.31   USFS Forest Closure order extended to Oct. 30
largely same as previous order, except Tassajara Road now "closed to vehicles"
Aug.29   Plaskett Creek Campground opened
Aug.8     Cone Peak Road chasm circumnavigated.
Roadwork has restored a hikeable route, road opening in future
Jul.31   USFS Fire Restrictions raised to Level 2
No campfires outside designated campgrounds, i.e. not in backcountry
Jul.22   USFS Forest Closure order extended to Aug 31
largely same as previous order, Kirk Creek Campground opened
Jun.15   Andrew Molera State Park opened trails west of river:
Creamery Meadow, Bluff, Panorama, Ridge, and Spring Trails
May 27   Old Coast Road opened
May 26   Route 1 southern closure moved 21 miles northward
to Limekiln State Park
May 25   USFS Forest Closure order extended to July 24
largely same as previous order, two Day Use Areas opened
May 10   Milplitas Road culvert fixed, re-opened
Apr.16   JP Burns State Park Partington Cove Trail opened
Apr.14   Revised and extended USFS Closure order
opens Pine Ridge Trail and South Coast Ridge Road between Cruikshank and Salmon Creek Trails BUT road closures now extended to June 13 to allow road maintenance
Apr.14   Pine Ridge Trail fully open
after clearing slide beyond Ventana Camp Trail
Apr.6     West end of Pine Ridge Trail opened
from Big Sur Station to Ventana Camp
Apr.6     Milpitas Rd closed at Road 7
for culvert repair
Apr.4     JPBurns SP Tanbark Trail open
Apr.3     JP Burns State Park opens
but only for McWay Waterfall Overlook Trail & Tin House Fireroad
Mar.13   West end of Pine Ridge Trail remains closed
by State Parks for safety evaluation
Mar.12   Revised National Forest Closure
Most trails re-opened, many roads still closed
Mar.9     Additional slides & closures on Rte.1
due to storm, check before you go
Mar.8     Rte.1 update - Northern closure may move
to Pauls Slide soon, Mill Creek slide expected to open March 30, Pauls Slide closure indefinite CalTrans Update
Mar.8     Short-term State Park closures for storm
Molera Fri-Sat, PfeifferBS Thurs-Fri for day use, Thurs-Fri for campground
Feb.12   Rte.1 closure much reduced
Access from north down to Big Creek, ftom south up to Mill Creek
Feb.6     JP Burns State Park open
but only Waterfall Overlook Trail and Tin House FIreroad open for hiking
Jan.21   State Park updates:
AMolera SP Bobcat and East Molera Trails open, PfeifferBS SP open except Pfieffer Falls Trail and campground
Jan.20   State Park closures:
PfeifferBS SP closed til at least Jan.24, AMolera & JPBurns closed indefinitely
Jan.13   USFS orders full closure of Natl.Forest til March 14
Jan.11   State Park closures:
AMolera, PfeifferBS, & JPBurns SPs to be closed til at least Jan.17 due to flooding
Jan.10   Tassajara Rd & Los Burros Rd closed
Jan.10   Arroyo Seco Day Use Area closed
Jan.9     Arroyo Seco Horse Bridge washed away,
cutting off easy access of west end of Marble Peak Trail
Jan.4     Pfeiffer BS SP closed due to flooding
Jan.4     Pfeiffer BS SP open for day use except
Pfeiffer Falls Trail closed due to treefall
Jan.4     Storm closures: Pfeiffer BS SP, Molera SP trails
west of Rte.1
Jan.1     Limekiln State Park closed during January

Dec.27   Pfeiffer Beach and Sycamore Cyn Rd closed
due to rain flooding
Dec.16   Fire restrictions raised
Campfires allowed in national forest
Dec.16   Molera SP, Pfeiffer Beach & Arroyo Sec re-open
Dec.13   Pfeiffer Beach & Arroyo Sec Day Areas temporarily closed
due to post-storm flooding
Dec.3     Most Molera SP trails closed, no beach access
Due to Big Sur River flow increase - East Molera, Headlands, & Campground Trails remain open
Dec.1     Limekiln SP will be closed during January
No public access allowed from Jan 1-31 while transitioning to SP management
May 27   Fire restrictions raised
Fires only in designated campgrounds, gas stoves allowed
May 1   Escondido Campground now open
and southern ArroyoSeco-Indians Roadungated
May 1   Andrew Molera Campground now open
May 1   Willow Post-fire closure ended
Tony and Marble Peak Trails now open
May 1   Dolan Post-fire closure change
Escondido Campground now open, closure for N-F and SCR Road extended to April 2023
Jan.22   Willow Post-fire closure extended until April 30
Jan.21   Colorado Fire road closures lifted
Jan.10   Old Coast Road closed to vehicles
Jan.2     Fire restrictions reduced to Level 1

Dec.28   Cone Peak Road has impassable gap
between N-F Road & Vicente Flat Trail
Dec.19   Andrew Molera SP Campground closed
Nov.1     Post-Dolan-Wildfire Closure extended
Closure areas unchanged but extended until April 30
Sep.23   USFS Forest re-opened!
But Dolan & Willow post-fire closures remain active
Sep.23   Fire restrictions reduced
Stoves allowed in backcountry (but no fires!)
Sep.14   Forest Closure extended
Everything within USFS National Forest boundary is closed, closure extended through Sept. 22
Aug.31   Full USFS Forest Closure
Everything within National Forest boundary is closed through Sept. 11 !
Aug.11   Salmon Creek Water contamination
USFS reports algae bloom in pond below Salmon Creek Falls, Downstream water considered undrinkable, even if filtered - pets included.
Aug.3     Andrew Molera SP Campground has re-opened
Jul.31   Kirk Creek Vicente Flat Trails re-opened
Jul.24   Revised Willow Closure Order
Closes burnt section of Marble Peak Trail
Jun.12   Pfeiffer Big Sur SP: Pfeiffer Falls Trail OPEN
13 years after Basin Complex fire
Jun.6     Bear campsite activity
in Spruce Camp, looking for food
May 28   Kirk Creek Trail CLOSED
through July, to allow trail re-construction
May 25   Level 2 Fire Restrictions in effect
no open fires outside developed areas, stoves ok
per expiration of USFS closure order - but western Nacimiento-Fergusson Road and northern South Coast Ridge Road remain closed to vehicles
May 15   Tassajara Road graded
for opening of Zen Center season
May 2   JP Burns State Park
Tan Bark Trail and Tin House Fireroad OPEN
Apr.23   CA Route 1 FULLY OPEN
Apr.13   Pine Ridge Trail FULLY OPEN
with two re-routes on western section
Apr.2     Limekiln State Park OPEN
for camping only
Feb.19   USFS Campgrounds OPEN
Kirk Creek and Plaskett Creek Campgrounds
Feb.5     Road opening
Old Coast Road
Feb.4     USFS opening
Arroyo Seco Campground
Feb.3     USFS "temporary" closures
Pfeiffer Beach, Mill Creek, Sand Dollar Beach and Willow Creek Day Use Areas.  All USFS Campgrounds.
Feb.2     Tassajara Road
USFS reports difficult vehicle access beyond White Oaks Campground
Feb.2     Route 1 closure shrinks
now from Burns Creek (North) to Los Burros Road (South)
Feb.1     Fire Restrictions Lifted
Campfires & stoves allowed
Jan.31   Route 1 closure
Current North closure at Anderson Creek (personal obs.)
Jan.30   Storm-related Closures
Arroyo Sec Day Use Area closed (USFS webpage info incorrect) and likely unknown others
Jan.28   Storm-related Road Closures
Multiple closures, notably Route 1 washed out at Rat Creek [map]
Jan.27   Road Closure
Currently many storm-related closures Route 1 washed away at Rat Creek and possibly closed for indefinite period (Montery County Road info)
Jan.22   National Forest now partially OPEN
excludes Dolan Post-fire Closure [map]

Dec.10   State Park Closing
Pfeiffer Big Sur SP campground is closed until at least Jan 11
Oct.30   State Park Openings
Limekiln SP beach (day use only) and Partington Cove Trail in Julia Pfieffer Burns State Park
Oct.9     Day Use Area Openings
Pfeiffer Beach, Mill Creek, and Willow Creek Day Use Areas
Oct.4     State Park Opening
Pfeiffer Big Sur SP campground
Sep.28   State Park Openings
Andrew Molera SP and Pfeiffer Big Sur SP
Sep.25   Route 1 now open
with some one-lane sections  
Sep.15   Andrew Molera SP
is open west of Route 1  
Sep.7     National Forest Closed
Lost Padres National forest now closed
Sep.4     USFS Closure Expansion
national forest now closed from Pine Ridge Trail south to Los Burros (Willow Creek) Road. 
Sep.3     Road Closures
Nacimiento-Fergusson Road, Milpitas Road, Los Burros Road, South Coast Ridge Road
Aug.29   Campground Closures
China Camp, White Oaks, Santa Lucia Memorial Park, Nacimiento, Ponderosa Campgrounds
Aug.28   >Road Closure
Nacimiento-Fergusson Road closed from Route 1 east to Fort Hunter-Liggett boundary
Aug.27   Road Openings
Cachagua Road has re-opened and Tassajara Road opened from Carmel Valley Road to the National Forest boundary. 
Aug.25   Dolan Fire update
Plaskett Creek Campground now closed
Aug.23   Forest Closure order
Forest closure from Boronda-MarblePeak Trails south to Nacimiento-Fergusson Road and from Route 1 east to Indians-Milpitas Roads. 
Aug.21   Dolan Fire
all Big Sur State Parks are closed, Kirk Creek Campground and Arroyo Seco Day Use Area are closed, Route 1 closed between Pfeiffer Big Sur SP and Gorda.  Smoke and unhealty conditions througout area. 
Aug.19   Carmel Fire
Tassajara and Cachagua Roads closed at Carmel Valley Road. 
the southern road closures are vehicle prohibitions only, not for hikers
Aug.11   Los Padres Dam Road Closure
USFS officially declares Los Padres Dam Road closed due to slide
Due to overuse and illegal campfires by road campers, all southern dirt roads have been closed until Oct. 19
Jul.8     State Park OPENING
re‑routed Andrew Molera SP Headlands Trail
All day use areas will be closed on July 4 and 5
Jul.2     USFS Reminder
All fireworks are always prohibited in the National Forest fireworks + dry grass =
Jul.1     Plaskett Ridge Wildfire
Plaskett Ridge Road now open
Jun.29   State Park OPENINGS
Pfeiffer Big Sur and Limekiln State Park Campgrounds, Andrew Molera SP Headlands and Coyote Flats Trails.
Jun.21   State Park OPENINGS
Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Campground will re-open on June 29
Jun.19   Plaskett Ridge Wildfire
100% contained but Plaskett Ridge Road remains closed.
All non-group campgrounds and all roads except Piney Creek Rd. are now open
Jun.14   State Park OPENINGS
All state parks are now open for day-use visitors Big Sur Station is now open
All covid-order-closed trails and roads except Plaskett Ridge Rd, South Coast Ridge Rd, and Willow Creek Rd. 
May 30   State Park OPENINGS
Partington Cove Trail, Tanbark Trail, Tin House Fireroad in Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP 
May 23   State Park OPENINGS
Andrew Molera SP and Limekiln SP for day use only. 
day use areas and non-coastal roads and trails. 
May 12   Fire restrictions raised
to Level 2
Apr.28   USFS closure update
road+trail closure extended to May 15
Apr.15   Monterey District USFS roads and trails now CLOSED
includes Naciminento-Fergusson Rd !   the ONLY district closed !!
Apr.10   State Parks now CLOSED
to both vehicles and hikers until at least May 3  
Mar.29   State Park closed to vehicles
must park along Route 1  
Mar.24   USFS day use area closure update
will be closed until at least April 30  
Mar.18   Coronavirus closures
State campgrounds, USFS "day use areas", Big Sur Station, USFS King City Office - parks and forest open to hikers  
Mar.1     Cone Peak Road temporarily CLOSED
Feb.12   Accurate Wilderness Press Big Sur Map
updated version to be released pre-May
Jan.11   Access road to Escondido Camp now CLOSED
apparently for the winter
Jan.8     Tassajara Road
offically closed, but high-clearance vehicles driving it when dry

Dec.21   Waters Trail now OPEN
in Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park
Dec.5     Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park now OPEN
but Tassajara and Old Coast Roads are CLOSED
Dec.2     Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park CLOSED
due to heavy rains and flooding
Oct.31   Buckeye Tr. trailwork
VWA trailcrews repaired north end to Alder Creek.
Sep.10   Mill Wildfire closures end
Cone Peak Road and fire closure area are now open.
May 31   Little Sur Trail
Old Coast Road now open to vehicle traffic, for west end access
May 16   Carmel River & Big Pines Trails
May 14   Julia Pfeiffer Burns SP trails re-opened
Tan Bark Trail & Tin House Fireroad
Mar.4     Carmel River & Big Pines Trails
northern access affected by new fencing across Los Padres Dam Road

Nov.27   Smartphone users
"Route metrics" webpage now more mobile-friendly (note map size depends upon window size)
Nov.1     Avenza GeoPDF users
Oct.2     Backpack Suggestions webpage added
Sep.19   Closed Trails/Roads
now magenta (were black) on maps
Sep.2     Smartphone users
Long-press on interactive maps now gives extra ("right-click") features
Jul.28   Smartphone GeoPDF app users