Hike notes:
Route 1 - South Fork Trail Loop
Boronda Trail, North Coast Ridge Road, Big Sur Trail, South Fork Trail, Marble Peak Trail, and return
Round Trip: 31 miles, 7900 ft.gain
Route metrics & trail conditions
Printable map
Attractions are coastal views on ascent then inland views of Big Sur River region. Ascend along South Fork of Big Sur River, later view headwaters from Marble Peak Trail.
End with more coastal views.
Variety of camps (and use camps) along creeks and in meadows, shaded and unshaded. Dispersed camping also possible. For water information check individual camp descriptions on
interactive map.
72 hour parking along Route 1 at trailhead ⇒ ~10 hiking miles daily
(but likely ok with 3 nights ⇒ 4 days ⇒ ~8 hiking miles daily)
• If not recently maintained, South Fork Trail can be obscure, requring navigation skills or GPS - in particular, eastern segment incorrect on most GPS maps, showing trail on wrong side
(i.e. north) of creek.
South Fork Trail GPX file download
• DeAngulo Trail can provide shorter route than Boronda Trail, but has obscure middle section so navigation skills or GPS necessary.
External Links - Hike Reports & Videos
(none yet - suggestions welcomed)
Related Links
Local Trail Conditions Map
Big Sur hiking information