Hike notes:
Pine Ridge Trail
One Way: 23 miles, 8600 ft.gain
Route metrics & trail conditions
Printable map
Spanning the entire Ventana Wilderness, you can set your own route from either end.
Attractions range from rivers, redwoods, and views on the lower western end to rocks, flowers and views on the higher eastern end.
Historically the most popular trail in the Ventana, especially on western end - so can be crowded on weekends.
Well-established, large camps along trail have perennial water, except Pine Ridge Camp in very dry years.
At western end, Big Sur Station has large parking lot
(fee) and toilets. On eastern end, dirt Tassajara Road can require high clearance vehicle, condition varies seasonally; small off-road parking space.
• Visitor survey requested at western end to demonstrate usage and
(hopefully) obtain more funding.
• Historically the major attraction has been the warm spring near Sykes Camp - but the once-featured tubs have been removed, so the former mob overcrowding may diminish.
• Most scenic section is along the climb/descent between Redwood Camp and Pine Ridge Camp.
External Links - Hike Reports & Videos
(none yet - suggestions welcomed)
Related Links
Local Trail Conditions Map
Big Sur hiking information
Surrounding Hike Links
See Pine Valley photomap